Results 1 to 20 of 1,089 for "female minstrels" — Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections

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Results 1 to 20 of 1,089 for "female minstrels"

  1. 1.
    New York Clipper 11 June 1859 IIIF issue link
    ... on tho evening of her benelit , for tho female minstrels . Alio a tin goblet for tbo worst ...
  2. 2.
    New York Clipper 22 October 1859 IIIF issue link
    ... , MO ., has a company of male and female minstrels , consisting of Miss Julia Edwards and Miss ...
  3. 3.
    New York Clipper 3 December 1859 IIIF issue link
    ... read them like a book . A company of female minstrels , recently organized in Philadelphia , wore at ...
  4. 4.
    New York Clipper 10 December 1859 IIIF issue link
    ... Mad . LingU s Shaktpeare—Sixth and Chestnut street—Troupe ol Female Minstrels , lots or Lager , etcetera . Head ...
  5. 5.
    New York Clipper 7 July 1860 IIIF issue link
    ... will start ou a tour with a band of Female Minstrels . lUiat a Panorama or the Fight for ...
  6. 6.
    New York Clipper 17 November 1860 IIIF issue link
    ... ils regular company , now possesses a corps of female minstrels ; it is quite laughable to seo the ...
  7. 7.
    New York Clipper 16 March 1861 IIIF issue link
    ... crowded nightly , the leao stone here being the Female Minstrels , and rather too much vulgarity . Mr ...
  8. 8.
    New York Clipper 19 October 1861 IIIF issue link
    ... the "female" in Great Britain. They have female Blondins, female minstrels, female Swiss singers, and quite a lot of ...
  9. 9.
    New York Clipper 8 February 1862 IIIF issue link
    ... hearts of tbe people , by Introducing her Champion Female Minstrels m the fourth act of The Three Fast ...
  10. 10.
    New York Clipper 23 April 1864 IIIF issue link
    ... * on l ) e ot maie « hd female minstrels were uncrimed on the bills of the Athewoum ...
  11. 11.
    New York Clipper 30 April 1864 IIIF issue link
    ... , Cleveland , the Columbian troupe oi male and female minstrels wore the principal cards last week . Miss ...
  12. 12.
    New York Clipper 26 November 1864 IIIF issue link
    ... *«» o . And tte great * MALE AND FEMALE MINSTRELS . ¦ , „ Imuienw . Suecea . ...
  13. 13.
    New York Clipper 3 December 1864 IIIF issue link
    ... , Tbe Basso . And the great MALE AND FEMALE MINSTRELS . L Immense Success of ouz . ] ...
  14. 14.
    New York Clipper 17 December 1864 IIIF issue link
    ... st • - with a troupe of -male and female minstrels ^ oonsistiue of the - ¦ - ^••• ...
  15. 15.
    New York Clipper 28 July 1866 IIIF issue link
    ... be re-opened by a new company of male and female minstrels on June 26 th with 8 . P ...
  16. 16.
    New York Clipper 28 July 1866 IIIF issue link
    ... be re-opened bv a new company of male and female minstrels on June 26 tb with S . P ...
  17. 17.
    New York Clipper 2 February 1867 IIIF issue link
    ... Vocalists , Dancers , Ethiopian Performers , Male and Female Minstrels , Acrobats , etc ., can procure good ...
  18. 18.
    **? SijaaTam , AMXTfglEMEIVTtB . I tO MANAGERS . t : AlBeom-BWilcaUons relative to THE GBAND MAGICAL SFBCTACLB OF THE BLACK CBOOK , HOW BUIINING AT NIBLO'S , H . T ., Afjd : * l * st ? h * r tv Aad eveating a sexaastion aspanOeted tn dramatic triumphs mtiatbat-Mdeto ¦ . . . 2 HA 8 . M . BABBA 8 , 4 Mf ' '' - ¦ ' .: ABtt , ° e , n *^ EJo e ^ V JACKSON ^ Lly JACKSON . MICH ., » TI 3 H . H « ST HAIX tn THE CJ 1 TT . t 3 ta * -encenttaeT > aain * d . Al * oiiOT * oaa * nand * first clMsnlano . Tanas S 10 per niarjkVo * |»« r w «* T ^ HalTnever adv * r 2 ! 2 vJw ^ j 5 i ^ ' wSpSa ^ * m 9 »* l W « - caa Jg *^ i £ ¦? . ffi ?? . ' * " * . » 'eet 1 »« 1 U »«; with ntMjBBOjacry . O * f * rlly . TO 0 . Population of elty , S , 00 u . Situ -amm th * nroiANAPOLU AND CIKOIHNATt B-lL ; *» d oaTth ntaafSirect Una of travel between thoae cities . For STYLE OF FHUH , LIGHT AND VENTILATION , we * Bow tbat there is no superior to HO 08 XEB HALL ln the Hootder State . SOOBXY A DONNELL , Owner * and Proprietor * , Greensburgb , Ind . - SS 4 U * MUSIC HALL , ~~~~ NEW ALBANY . IND . , NOW FOB BENT BY THE DAY , WEEK OB MONTH . It ts » splendid new building , Just finished , sad superior to any other in th * Stat * for theatrical , music *! and other tint elaa * en -tertainments . Stage 45 by 32 feet , witb green room , property room and ( ix dressing rooms . Splendid drop curtain and 19 setts of scene * Just painted by Joe . James West Three Her * of seat * , orcheftra , parquctte and dress circle handsomely upholstered . Whole ca -pacity of the auditorium abont 9 , 000 . The whole bouse is bril -liantly lighted by ga * . Population of the city- 20 , 080 . Address 3 . B . WLN 8 TANDLEY , Sec . Music Hsll Co ., JjJJI ^^^^^ THE NEW NASHVILLE THEATRE FOB BENT , By tbe night , week or season , hs * new scenery , and is ln coin -pfeto order . Apply to J . KTBKMAN , NaahvUle . 84 tf SAUL SERTREW , rr ~~ ~~~ i . ^ , THE POPULAB SONG WBITER , _ . 38- » - * - * - , .. . . 197 Amity street New York . GREsftiLAW OPERA HOUSE . LARGEST THEATRE IN THE WEST . —x ^ J ^ S ? 1 ^ 0 WITH SCENERY AND PROPERTIES . THOROUGHLY LIGHTED . HEATED BY STEAM SEATS COMFORTABLY $ 1500 . Parties desirous of renting , may apply to W . MESSICK , ISO . 317 Second street , Memphis , Tenn . HaWthe 8 s ^ on . 88 * b 80 " 1 * r ^ tro - •* «» e Greenlaw Opera Parties desiring to rent it by the week or month must spply to December 91 .. . 1866 . W . B . OBBW ^ r WATbENVoPERT ? i' ^ - l ~^" . FATEBSON , N . J . „ i I " ^ J . 1 ? " - ¦ P-endid establishment 1 B now for rent to first to . « S i ^ i ° , n lS . nl ^ b ? the o day ' nl « bi ' week - « -esson . Se ™ t -ingespscity , 1 , 800 people . Scenery , Dressing Rooms , 4 c . For terms , sddress JOHN WALDEN , Agent , J ^ 7 ^ 7 Box 208 , Patcrson , N . J . MEMPHIS CLU ^ HALL V _ , ., , MEMPHIS , TENH , TWs iV . vr Hail , the most elegant in lh « - lijiite , can bo jird for flrst ^ . B i . i n V ' r e telUment 9 > f 01 ' a lmg or ^ ' - ' 'h ^ --. <• - • J . -v « ' r ™ - nMHoVJu l > t , iA ** ia , - > v > - . « . * ' <• The same 1 B provifisd with a fino stage , su-oming rooms , a full sett ot sceneridd and flats , and will seat ori > y 600 uc-foiis . Aunlv * ° SOL HK ^ SE , ^ re l . . , M Hesse , Leigt A Co ., VV ZZ * MA ^ JI *^~^ Memphis , Tenn . [ARTICLE]
    New York Clipper 16 February 1867 IIIF issue link
    ... Vocalists , Dancers , Ethiopian Performers , Male snd Female Minstrels , Acrobats , etc ., can procure good ...
  19. 19.
    New York Clipper 10 October 1868 IIIF issue link
    ... rate music hall . The opening chorus by the female minstrels was done by two men in burnt cork ...
  20. 20.
    New York Clipper 5 June 1869 IIIF issue link
    ... th , ana created a favorable Impression . The Female Minstrels have been so well received that the act ...