Glas Svobode

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Title: Glas Svobode IIIF collection link
City: Chicago, Ill.
County: Cook
Available online: 28 August 1917 - 29 December 1922 (557 issues)

In 1901, Martin Konda (M.V. Konda) established Glas svobode ("The Voice of Freedom") [LCCN: sn91052337] in Pueblo, Colorado, as "the joint organ of the Slovene American liberals and socialists." After a disagreement between Konda and his co-owner Ivan Medica, Glas svobode ceased publication. Konda moved to Chicago where he reestablished Glas svobode as the official publication of the Slovenska Svobodomiselna Podporna Zveza (S.S.P. Zveza) ("Slovene Free-thinking Benefit Federation"). In 1905, then editors, Frank Perič and Jože Zavertnik began publishing socialist propaganda in Glas svobode, firmly establishing its reputation as a socialist party newspaper. Later that year, Perič and Zavertnik left Glas svobode to start Proletarec ("The Proletarian") [LCCN: sn83045377], a newspaper dedicated to the cause of Slovenian-American laborers. Despite Perič and Zavertnik's departure, Glas svobode continued to support workers' causes. It published the names of strikebreakers who had contributed to the failure of a strike on Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range. Beginning in 1910, Proletarec printed editorials which claimed that, due to Konda's questionable stances on Democratic politics and workers' matters, Glas svobode did not truly represent socialist ideals. Proletarec went so far as to submit a formal resolution to the Socialist Party via the county secretary condemning Glas svobode. Throughout this period, Konda held firm to the position that Glas svobode served no cause but free-thinking. During World War I, the newspaper featured literary installments, including Trije Musketirji (Three Musketeers) by Alexandre Dumas. After the war, Glas svobode continued covering international affairs, publishing headlines such as "Divjanje orkana ki je zahteval 150 žrtev" ("Hurricane attack that claimed 150 casualties") and "Nova vojna kriza v evropi anglija začela mobilizirati" ("The new military crisis in Europe began to mobilize England"). Glas svobode remained in publication until 1931.

1 Friday, 1 September 1922
1 issue
2 Saturday, 2 September 1922
3 Sunday, 3 September 1922
4 Monday, 4 September 1922
5 Tuesday, 5 September 1922
1 issue
6 Wednesday, 6 September 1922
7 Thursday, 7 September 1922
8 Friday, 8 September 1922
1 issue
9 Saturday, 9 September 1922
10 Sunday, 10 September 1922
11 Monday, 11 September 1922
12 Tuesday, 12 September 1922
1 issue
13 Wednesday, 13 September 1922
14 Thursday, 14 September 1922
15 Friday, 15 September 1922
1 issue
16 Saturday, 16 September 1922
17 Sunday, 17 September 1922
18 Monday, 18 September 1922
19 Tuesday, 19 September 1922
1 issue
20 Wednesday, 20 September 1922
21 Thursday, 21 September 1922
22 Friday, 22 September 1922
1 issue
23 Saturday, 23 September 1922
24 Sunday, 24 September 1922
25 Monday, 25 September 1922
26 Tuesday, 26 September 1922
1 issue
27 Wednesday, 27 September 1922
28 Thursday, 28 September 1922
29 Friday, 29 September 1922
1 issue
30 Saturday, 30 September 1922